Signs of Poor Work Performance


It’s around midnight, the time I should be sleeping, but suddenly I feel like writing something.

I have no malice, just describing some objective phenomena. I pity those who lack ability and feel helpless when facing tasks beyond their capability, but I also feel uncomfortable. Working with such people might be a nightmare. I try to avoid points I dislike and warn myself not to become like that. Improve myself, then I can have the qualification to dislike others. It’s around 1:05 AM, I need to sleep.


Nearly a month has passed, and I seem to start understanding some behaviors and phenomena.

Here’s the thing, recently, I tried to use C# to develop a simple desktop application. My idea was simple: customize a few shortcut keys to replace multiple backspaces. For example, the global hotkey Ctrl-5 would act like pressing the backspace key five times, and Ctrl-6 would act like pressing it six times.

This idea came from my daily typing process. Due to the fast typing speed of both hands, which is like multi-threaded disordered execution, there often appeared misplaced letters in Pinyin, and with quick hands pressing the space key, a long string of incorrect words would appear on the screen. Pressing the backspace key multiple times each time is quite unpleasant, especially when the smooth flow of thoughts is interrupted. It feels like the backspace key not only affects the smooth typing but also brings a sense of having to take responsibility for previous small mistakes with a certain resentment.

Initially, I thought it would be simple: just register a set of global keys with the system and simulate keyboard input. However, during the actual development process, I encountered many difficulties. At first, I couldn’t even distinguish between Window and Form in WPF. The tutorials I found on Google mentioned various methods to register shortcuts, but few were truly usable. For simulating keystrokes, I had to rely on search engines because the methods like Keys.send() mentioned in official documents didn’t work (maybe the event level was too low).

After being able to achieve basic shortcut registration and keystroke simulation, I encountered new problems. The shortcuts were based on Ctrl, and pressing the shortcut would execute the program, simulating Backspace. However, the Ctrl key was still pressed down, and the system would interpret it as Ctrl-Backspace, which was not the desired effect. Then I switched Ctrl to Alt and finally determined that the Shift key combined with Backspace had no conflicts. But a new problem arose: the program-simulated keystrokes triggered at most twice, so the actual effect was at most two backspaces, no matter how many times I looped or changed the nInPints parameter.

So, I’m not saying developing such a thing is difficult, just that I encountered some problems I’m not good at solving. During that process, I experienced emotions like “I’m so annoyed”, “This is so hard”, “It’s really troublesome”, “It’s not that simple”.

Perhaps, we should have more understanding.